
Sister Renee Fokken

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Why hello! Welcome to my missionary blog! I'm glad you found it! As most of you well know, I will soon be serving in the Alpine German-Speaking Mission where I will take upon me the name of Jesus Christ and serve him for a period of 18 months, striving to bring souls closer to Christ. I report to the Provo Missionary Training Center on June 15, 2011 and will return home in December of 2012. While I am away, my lovely sister has taken the task to post on here my weekly e-mails home to the family! Feel free to read them or just glance at any pictures I'll send home! And always remember to be continually seeking for those who are looking for the truth and know not where to find it; our Father has sent me abroad to help gather his sheep in Germany/Austria/Switzerland and you can do so where ever you may live. :)

June 4, 2011

Is This Really Happening?

Wow! I can't believe how close it is! I will be giving my farewell talk in 9 days (probably should start working on that...) I am getting set apart that same day. Then a last hoorah with my family. Then my flight leaves in 10 days around noon. I report to the MTC in 12 days. Many people have asked me, "How do you feel?" or "Are you ready?" My response is usually the same where in it is "I honestly don't know?" I am so excited, so nervous, overwhelmingly happy, emotionally confuse, stressed out, completely calm, etc. Basically it's been a roller-coaster the last few weeks. I think one of the things I'm most nervous about is German grammar. Ha not so much the language.. just grammar. Sounds silly to those who know nothing about the German language but for those who don't know, there are about twelve different cases. Now, I can't name them all obviously, but now you know why I'm a little nervous. I hate sounding like an idiot.

This last weekend, I had the opportunity to go see one of my favorite people in the world! Her name is Kjersti, but I just call her KJ :) We walked around down town St. Louis, had some UH-Mazing pizza from Imo's Pizza; saw this crazy awesome guy making fudge and man does he know how to put on a show! We also went to her nephew's baseball game! He is quite the little player if I do say so myself! ;) I was also a photographer for KJ's brother's ward! It was awesome! Kjersti is my hero in so many ways! I was having so much fun, I didn't want to leave! It was well worth the 6 hour drive each way!

Well, let the countdowns begin! Two weekends left! I plan on making the most of them! ;)

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